Article 1. Under the name of Ibero-American Transpersonal Association, a nonprofit organization has been created based on the Spanish Organic Law 1/2002, 22th March, following the complementary rules, with legal personality and full capacity to act.

Article 2. The Association’s period of functioning is established for an indefinite period of time.

Article 3. The aims of the Association are as follows:

  1. To serve as a platform for meeting and information exchange for everyone interested in the transpersonal discipline on Ibero-American territory.
  2. To create an appropriate environment for those interested in the ideas of the transpersonal discipline, that will generate positive contributions in human development in all aspects, which will ultimately contribute to the progressive increasing of human consciousness. Such activity involves biophysical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of being, in harmony with the environment and society at the individual, family, group and institutional levels.
  3. To develop educational and scientific methods that encourage the evolution of the human being to develop its full potential, resulting in a culture that facilitates peaceful existence.
  4. To promote education with care for physical and mental health; integration, reintegration and social education of individuals, groups and / or excluded communities; promotion of human values; introduce technology for the promotion and development of higher human faculties; foster institutional development; ecological education, care for life in all its manifestations; education for peaceful existence; education that fosters respect for social, racial and / or religious diversity; development of global consciousness; transnational, transracial and transreligious integration; eco-agro-community project for development of health and human development.
  5. To disseminate transpersonal knowledge in the area of clinical psychology, mental health and psychotherapy.
  6. To evaluate and verify, based on the establishment of specific criteria, the quality of Transpersonal Psychology courses that are offered in the Spanish-speaking world, and to provide, or not our certification and accreditation.

Article 4. To fulfill these goals the following actions are undertaken:

  1. Realization and implementation of educative projects, such as courses, seminars, congresses and conferences to spread the transpersonal discipline to certain levels of formal and non-formal education.
  2. Development of scientific research projects, collaboration with researchers, education and training of professionals with a profound commitment to human, spiritual and environmental causes.
  3. Encourage implementation of projects of personal and humanistic development in individuals, groups, institutions and / or communities.
  4. Establish agreements with universities, research institutes and other academic institutions to foster compliance with the three above-mentioned points, providing a certificate as recognition from the Association.
  5. Publication of the Journal of Transpersonal Research for the dissemination of transpersonal research in the international community in the following languages: English and Spanish.

Article 5. The Association establishes its legal office in Calle_ Andrés_ Mellado, No. ___65-1D__, __Madrid__________ Municipality, Province ______Madrid_____________CP. _28015__, The territory on which the Associaton’s activity will take place corresponds with the geographical territory of Spain, Portugal and Latin America.