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Accredited Professional Members


Argentina 🇦🇷

Mariana Attwell González
Mariana Attwell González


Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Salvador (Buenos Aires – Argentina), and Master from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Madrid – Spain). Art therapist by INECAT (Paris-France) and Vert Lumière (Saint Etiènne-France). Teacher of Psycho pedagogy by Pedro Poveda Institute (Buenos Aires – Argentina). She created re-search studies in three countries (France-Brazil-Argentina)about Art Therapy and its effect on patients of chronic pain. Currently works in Buenos Aires in a private practice. Works as an Art Therapist, and is member of the medical team for palliative patients at the Hospital Italiano (Buenos Aires – Argentina), coordinating the Art Therapy de-partment. She is member of the Transpersonal Center of Buenos Aires.

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  • Argentina 🇦🇷
Virginia Gawel
Virginia Gawel


She is a psychologist, a teacher and a writer. Since 1984, she has been involved in spreading the Transpersonal approach. In 1994, she founded the Centro Transpersonal de Buenos Aires, of which she is the Director. She is part of the Editor Board of the Journal of Transpersonal Research and, and the Board of the International Transpersonal Association, for South America. She is also a founding member of the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association. Her main contributions to this paradigm are the Techniques for the Direct Access to the Unconscious (TADIs) and the concept of Essential Inadequacy Complex, with its therapeutic approach. She also founded Ediciones Transpersonales del Sur (contents by text, audio and video).

  • +54 911 5377 2025
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  • Argentina 🇦🇷
Daniel Taroppio
Daniel Taroppio


MDP, psychologist, lecturer, he is known for the development of the Primordial Interaction Model of Human Development and its implementation methods, Primal Dance, Organic Meditation, Coaching and Primordial Psychotherapy. He studied and worked with authors like Viktor Frankl, Stanislav Grof and Ken Wilber, among others. Research fellowship at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Cuyo National University, Argentina. Researcher at F.I.D.I.P.S., School of Socio-Political Science, Cuyo National University. Lecturer on Personality Psychology, Epistemology and Psychological Treatment at the School of Psychology, Aconcagua University. Founder of the School of Transpersonal-Integral Psychology, the Latin-American Corporation of Integral Thought and the Integral Studies Foundation, with venues in different countries in Europe and America. He has authored several articles and books.

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  • Argentina 🇦🇷
Luciano Centineo
Luciano Centineo


Anthropologist from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum of the UNLP. Master in Philosophy at the National University of Quilmes (specialization on altruism and the concept of human nature). He is a faculty professor at various public and private universities in the country, where he teaches courses in philosophy, anthropology and epistemology. He has worked and published on issues related to the evolution of religious beliefs and the construction of the transpersonal approach as a scientific field. He is author of the book "Altruism and the education of the future."

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  • Argentina 🇦🇷
Ana María Aguirre
Ana María Aguirre


Clinical psychologist, with studies in Humanistic, Gestalt, and Transpersonal Psychology. She is a teacher, disseminator, and facilitator of the Holotropic Breathwork technique. In 2011, she began a new journey with the Breath of the Heart, a technique that emerged from her experience with non-ordinary states of consciousness, integrating Holotropic Breathwork, Shamanism, and other Transpersonal techniques, emphasizing the power of love and containment above any other factor in psychotherapeutic practice.

  • Argentina 🇦🇷

Brasil 🇧🇷

Arlete Silva Acciari
Arlete Silva Acciari


Psychologist from Universidade São Francisco (USF), master in Science from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), and expert in Transpersonal Psychology from the Associação Luso-Brasileira de Transpessoal (Alubrat). She is also a PhD candidate in transpersonal psychology. Member of Colégio Internacional dos Terapeutas (CIT), ALUBRAT and the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Estudos em Transpessoal (ABRAPET). She works in the field of transpersonal psychology specifically in the areas of clinic psychology, psychotherapy and education. She is teacher and educational coordinator in the postgraduate course of transpersonal psychology in ALUBRAT. Currently she is focused on the study, research and publication within the the field of transpersonal psychology and its relation with the Chron’s disease.

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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Marlos Alves Bezerra
Marlos Alves Bezerra


Professor in the Department of Psychology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He teaches the chairs of Transpersonal Psychology I and II, clinical practices in institutions and clinical supervision. Postdoctoral in Resilience and Social Vulnerability from the Resilience Research Center (RRC) / Canada. Founding member of the Brazilian Association for Research in Transpersonal Psychology (ABRAPET). Investigations in Extended Transpersonal Clinic in urban peripheries.

  • +55 84 999874642
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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Celeste Carneiro
Celeste Carneiro


Specialist in Jungian Art Therapy - ASBART 0036/0906 and in Transpersonal Psychology - ALUBRAT 201740 (Instituto Junguiano da Bahia / Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health / Instituto Hólon). Graduated in Drawing and Plastic Arts (Faculty of Fine Arts of São Paulo - FEBASP). Professor and Supervisor (2007 to 2017) in the post-graduate course in Art Therapy of the IJBA and in the post-graduate courses in Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy (Instituto Hólon - BA and PHOENIX - Center for Transpersonal Development / Federal University of Sergipe). She was a coordinator, teacher and supervisor in the post-graduate course in Art Therapy in Teresina - PI. Writer and co-author. Member of the International College of Therapists - CIT. Honorary Counselor of UBAAT (Brazilian Union of Art Therapy Associations). Editor of the Transdisciplinary Magazine.

  • +55 71 98874-1155
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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Débora Diógenes
Débora Diógenes


Psychologist from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, and Master in sociology. She is a recognized expert in transpersonal psychology in Brazil. She works as a psychotherapist at the “Espaço Renascer Psicología Clínica” Clinic since 1996. President and founding member of the Northeast Network of Transpersonal Psychology and of the Brazilian Association for Training and Research in Transpersonal Psychology. Professor of transpersonal psychology in several states of northern Brazil.

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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Aurino Lima Ferreira
Aurino Lima Ferreira


Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Transpersonal Psychology research line. President of the Brazilian Association of Research and Studies in Transpersonal Psychology (Abrapet). It promotes works of transpersonal psychology along the peripheries with the support of NEIMFA and the Observatório das Periferias. Post-doctorate in Psychology (France), Doctor in Education (UFPE), Master in Psychology (UFPE), specialist in Transpersonal Psychology (ABPT, Dharamsala India). Author of the books: Transpersonal psychology in Brazil: 40 years of academic production, clinical interventions and collective resilience, 2021; Treatise on transpersonal psychology: current perspectives in psychology. 2019; Human formation and spiritualities in question, 2019; Peripheral adolescents: a comprehensive / transpersonal action research, 2018; Transpersonal psychology: stories, achievements and challenges, 2017; Transpersonal Psychology: reflections and research in the Brazilian academic field, 2012.

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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Maria Cristina M. de Barros
Maria Cristina M. de Barros


Clinical Psychologist (1989) and MSc in Developmental Psychology at the Institute of Psychology - USP (1999). She has worked with Health Psychology in hospitals and private clinical settings since 1992, assisting cancer patients. She is a member of the Brazilian Psycho-oncology Society. She has a Post Graduate certificate in Transpersonal Psychology from ALUBRAT and is now vice-president of this association. Integrates the board of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA) and is currently studying the interface between health and spir-ituality at PROSER, the program of Health, Spirituality and Religiosity of the Institute of Psychiatry (USP), searching for new clinical models of intervention.

  • 11-98887-3990
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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Djailton Pereira da Cunha
Djailton Pereira da Cunha


Psychologist, Integrative Community Therapist, Specialist in Transpersonal Psychology, Electrical Engineer, Master in Business Administration, Doctor of Education (Federal University of Pernambuco) and Doctor of Educational Sciences (Université Lyon 2). Professor at the University of Pernambuco (UPE) with an interest in research in the fields of psychology and transpersonal education, spirituality, schizoanalysis, cartography and production of subjectivity, health and integrality. Member of the Association of Transpersonal Psychology of Pernambuco (APPT). Volunteer community psychologist at the Irmãos Minores Educational Nucleus of Francisco de Assis (NEIMFA). Co-author of two books: “Transpersonal Psychology in Brazil: 40 years of academic production, clinical interventions and collective resilience” (2021); "Human formation and spiritualities in question" (2019); "Slum adolescents: a comprehensive / transpersonal action research" (2018).

  • +81-993486140
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  • Brasil 🇧🇷
Vera Saldanha
Vera Saldanha


President of the Portuguese - Brazilian Transpersonal Association (ALUBRAT), PhD in Transpersonal Psychology (FE Unicamp), specialized in Psychopathology and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Unicamp) and Clinic Specialist (CRP). She is trained in Psychodrama (ACPS), in Regression Therapy - intermediate and advanced (Morris Netherton), in Deep Memory Process (Roger Woolger), and in Positive Psychology Coaching (Robert Biswas Diener). Author of the books: Transpersonal Psychotherapy; Transpersonal Psychology: An Emerging Knowledge Consciousness and co-author of several books including: Treaty of Transpersonal Psychology; Transpersonal Psychology Reflections and Research in Brazilian Academic Field; Psychology of Consciousness; and Consciousness Expansion. Teacher of postgraduate programs and conferences in Transpersonal Psychology fields in several states in Brazil and abroad since 1988.

  • +55 19 32551850
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  • Brasil 🇧🇷

Chile 🇨🇱

Alejandro Boric
Alejandro Boric


The clinical psychologist (from Chile University), with gestalt and transpersonal orientation. He is a member of the Chilean Society of Clinical Psychology, accredited as clinic supervisor. Director of a postgraduate degree: Diploma in Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychotherapy at the University Diego Portales. He has been a university teacher at the following universities: Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Santiago, Universidad Andrés Bello and Universidad del Desarrollo. He has been formed in meditation and transpersonal psychology at the Osho International Multiversity, India, and other associated centers in Europe and Brazil. He has also studied with Satyaprem and R. Spira, on Non-Dual Advaita teaching. He is a meditation instructor and teacher of Bio-Dance and Ontological Coaching. He has 30 years experience as group and individual psychotherapist. He is 1st level EMDR therapist and 2nd level Reiki therapist. He has been business consultant on quality of life, human relationships and stress management.

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  • Chile 🇨🇱
Javier Charme
Javier Charme


Clinical psychologist from Santo Tomas University, Chile. Master in Esast-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). Director of Grof Transpersonal Training for Latin America. Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator trained in GTT, USA. For a decade he has taught the subjects of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Universidad del Pacifico, Chile. He is an international speaker on themes related to Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy.

  • Chile 🇨🇱

Colombia 🇨🇴

Juan Diego Duque
Juan Diego Duque


Psychologist from Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) and Master in Psychotherapy interventions from Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). Training in transpersonal psychotherapy, breathing therapy and holistic therapy. Therapist, university professor and organizational advisor. Academic Director of Sasana ( and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Transpersonal Research. Coauthor of "Epistemological foundations in psychologies. With an emphasis on Transpersonal Psychology”, published by University of San Buenaventura (Cali), 2012 He led the diplomaed training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy (2008) at the University of San Buenaventura (Cali). Professor since 2009 at the Transpersonal Psychology program at Sasana.

  • +57 310 500 79 11
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  • Colombia 🇨🇴
Gustavo Lara
Gustavo Lara


Psychologist from the National University of Colombia; studies in music and flute from the National University and Master in Education from the Pedagogic University (Bogotá, Colombia). Professor at Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá) and psychotherapist of transpersonal-integral orientation. Co-founder of Sasana Association of Transpersonal-Integral Psychology and professor of transpersonal psychology and somatic awareness in the institution. Co-creator of Danzar la Vida, system of workshops for personal and transpersonal development based on free dance, music and non-verbal communication. Certificated mentor of Dances of Universal Peace in the tradition of Murshid Samuel Lewis and Sufi Pir-o-Murshid HazratInayat Khan. Certification obtained in the Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute by the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for the participation in the Foundational MBSR Teacher Training Course. His writings in book chapters and articles address mainly the issues of body awareness, meditation and psychotherapy.

  • +57 310 243 84 03
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  • Colombia 🇨🇴
 Diana del Rocío Murillo Bohórquez
Diana del Rocío Murillo Bohórquez


Psicóloga y Magíster en Psicología Clínica y de Familia de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá. Sanadora espiritual con enfoque en core-energética. Consteladora familiar. Dirigió el programa de Psicología Transpersonal en Sasana, Colombia. Docente universitaria en temas de terapia, desarrollo y técnicas corporales en varias instituciones de Colombia. Colíder de Hispanoamérica Integral.

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  • Colombia 🇨🇴

Costa Rica 🇨🇷

Gisella Galliani
Gisella Galliani


PhD. in education and graduated from the Catholic University of Peru in 1984, she began her professional career as a psychoanalytic psychologist. Later on she started to integrate the social and cultural dimension to her work, along with a gender studies perspective, humanism and spirituality. Since 1996 she works as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist. She studied Bioenergetics and Transpersonal Sciences in Colombia, France, Chile and Peru. She has taught in several universities in Costa Rica and Peru. She is currently working in the National University of Costa Rica. She is a founder of COCREACIONES, a Latin American consultation company in human development, mental health, cultural diversity and new transpersonal pedagogies.

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  • Costa Rica 🇨🇷

Ecuador 🇪🇨

Jaime Costales
Jaime Costales


Professor at the University of San Francisco de Quito and Catholic Pontificial University of Ecuador. Anthropologist, Master in Social and Clinic Psychology, Doctor in Politics and Public Administration, and PhD(c) in Political Psychology. Pioneer of Transpersonal Psychology at the San Francisco de Quito University, and Catholic University of Ecuador. Activist in defense of civil liberties, under the framework of non-violence. Writer (novels, poetry, essays and social science). Seeker and path finder to transform the collective consciousness into higher levels.

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  • Ecuador 🇪🇨

España 🇪🇸

Román Gonzalvo
Román Gonzalvo


PhD and psychologist from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). Founder of the Journal of Transpersonal Research (JTR). Since 2006, he has been working with dying patients, investigating their spiritual needs, personal learning and inner transformation. The research based on that work is in the process of publication in three international impact factor scientific journals. He has organized the “1st Symposium on Transpersonal Psychology and Spirituality” in Spain in 2015 and teaches seminars on transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy at the University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Psychology Studies (ISEP), Barcelona. Currently he works as a psychotherapist in a private practice in Madrid and Tudela (Spain). Presidente de la Asociación Transpersonal Iberoamericana y fundador del Grupo de Psicología y Psicoterapia Transpersonal del Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Madrid.

  • España 🇪🇸
Enrique Martínez Lozano
Enrique Martínez Lozano


Psychotherapist, sociologist, theologian and writer. As a result of his own investigation over forty years and own living experiences, he assumes and develops the transpersonal theory and the non-dual model of cognition. He dedicates himself to individual accompaniments and run group workshops. Author of more than twenty books, all of them pursue the same objective: to offer keys that help to grow oneself in living what we really are.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Iker Puente
Iker Puente


He holds degrees in Psychology and Anthropology, and a PhD in Psychology with his dissertation “Complexity and Transpersonal Psychology: chaos, self-organization and peak experiences in psychotherapy”. He has been a visiting scholar at CIIS. He is one of the few researchers of holotropic breathwork, studying the expanded states of consciousness occasioned by this and other breathing techniques in different countries. He has been professor and researcher at the UAB, and has published numerous articles in different journals. He currently works as a psychotherapist in Barcelona, assistant editor at the Journal of Transpersonal Research, and teaches transpersonal psychology.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Isabel M. Martínez Higueras
Isabel M. Martínez Higueras


Clinical psychologist. Researcher and teacher. Currently participating in various research groups on different phenomena of consciousness expansion. Member of the Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy Working Group of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid. Member of the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Rafael Redondo
Rafael Redondo


(Bilbao, 1941). He studied at the Universities of Deusto and Salamanca, where he received a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and a doctorate in Political Science and Sociology. He worked as a professor at the University of Deusto and, from 1980, until his retirement (2006), at the University of the Basque Country. He has been Head of Training at BBVA, a technician in various consultancies and Director of Training at the ARGIA Psychiatric Hospital. He pioneered the implementation of Zen meditation within a program of alternative therapies. He is the author of around 22 books. Zen Master for Pure Land and Willigis Jäger. To this day he is dedicated to accompanying the Sangha Ipar Haizea in Bilbao.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Fernando Rodríguez-Bornaetxea
Fernando Rodríguez-Bornaetxea


Psychologist and Doctor of Psychology. He has been a professor of History of Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology at the University of the Basque Country for 20 years. He pioneer in Spain and Europe in transpersonal psychology, and director of the Institute of Integral Psychology "Baraka". Vi-passana meditation teacher. He teaches courses, seminars and conferences on the subject, editor of the book "Psychology and Conscience" and author of “Mindfulness: The Direct Path to Wisdom” (in Spanish).

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  • España 🇪🇸
Josep Mª Fericgla
Josep Mª Fericgla


Born in Barcelona, the author holds a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Barcelona and completed higher studies in Psychology at the same university. He specializes in Ethnopsychology, Cognitive Anthropology, and Altered States of Consciousness. He is the founder and current director of the Can Benet Vives campus and president of the J.Mª Fericgla Foundation. He has been a former professor at the University of Salamanca, the University of Barcelona, and several Latin American universities, and is currently a professor and psychotherapist. He is the author of 29 specialized books and has received several official awards for his anthropological research work.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Jorge N. Ferrer
Jorge N. Ferrer


Clinical psychologist, author, and educator. He was a professor for more than 20 years at California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, where he also served as chair of the Department of East–West Psychology. Jorge is the author of many articles and books on transpersonal psychology, integral education, religious studies, and intimate relationships, including Espiritualidad Creativa: Una Vision Participativa de lo Transpersonal (Kairos, 2004), Participation and the Mystery: Transpersonal Essays in Psychology, Education, and Religion (SUNY Press, 2017), Love and Freedom: Transcending Monogamy and Polyamory (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), and Novogamia: Más Allá de la Monogamia y el Poliamor (Anaya/Oberon, 2022). Jorge was a member of the Esalen Institute’s Center for Theory and Research and an advisor to the Religions for Peace organization at the United Nations.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Rafa Millan
Rafa Millan


Psychologist (UAM), Master in Cultural Philosophy (UCM), writer and lecturer with extensive training in different schools of Psychology. Regular contributor to digital and traditional media. He has published Diary of a cocaine addict (Today's Issues), Mental illnesses... they don't exist are the parents (Manuscripts) and How to be a Sufi and die trying (White Glove). He has founded, together with his wife Mardía Herrero, the YouTube channel "Psychology and Spirituality"

  • España 🇪🇸
Mardía Herrero
Mardía Herrero


Writer and professor. She has a PhD in Literature, a Master's degree in Religious Studies, and a Bachelor's degree in History and Hispanic Philology. She has published several books, including "39 semanas y media. Un embarazo sufí" (Mandala), "El paraíso de los escritores ebrios" (Amargord), "Cómo Santa Teresa me acompañó al Sufismo" (Fragmenta), "Peregrina" (Fragmenta), and the illustrated work "Cielo y Tierra" (Kyrie). She participates in conferences and meetings to talk about Sufism, Christian mysticism, theories of the imaginary, and sacred motherhood. Along with her husband, Rafa Millán, she is the co-creator of the YouTube channel "Psicología y espiritualidad" (Psychology and Spirituality).

  • España 🇪🇸
Javier Garcia-Campayo
Javier Garcia-Campayo


He is a Psychiatrist at the Miguel Servet University Hospital, belonging to the Aragonese Health Service, and is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza. He is Director of the Master's Degree in Mindfulness at the University of Zaragoza. He leads the Research Group "Mental Health in Primary Care" recognized by the Government of Aragon, which is part of the Primary Care Research Network (REDIAP) of the Ministry of Health. He has written more than 20 books and 25 book chapters and He has published more than 300 research papers. He is the Director of the Master of Mindfulness at the University of Zaragoza, the oldest on this subject in a Spanish-speaking university.

  • España 🇪🇸
Amador Martos
Amador Martos


Spanish philosopher, researcher and writer. His interest is focused on fusing epistemology and hermeneutics, science and spirituality in more popular terms. In this line of research, he argues for Transpersonal Philosophy as a new paradigm of knowledge and as an epistemological and pedagogical foundation for a Transrational Education. He has published 9 books, as well as 7 scientific articles in various Magazines and Universities. Likewise, he has made various presentations in international academic forums with the aim of proposing a renewed philosophical and pedagogical project.

  • España 🇪🇸
Juan Padilla
Juan Padilla


Transpersonal pioneer, teacher of special educational needs of educational reinforcement, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor of the AIPT. Founder of the FIPT Program (2003), the Hexadrama Map (2008), the IPAE (1989), the IPT-Spain and the IPT-International (AIPT, 2017). Creator of 21 additional methods of Transpersonal Psychodrama organized into 7 methodological groups: PST (education), PDT (psychodrama), PPT and PPST (psychopedagogy), CPT (coaching), PAT (psychoanalytic psychodrama), GDT (gestaldrama) and PDTG. (psychogenealogy). He was a professor in the SAT I and III Program (2007 and 2008). His teachers were Jaime Rojas-Bermúdez (psychodrama), Claudio Naranjo (transpersonal) and Geshe Kelsang (for 15 years) and, currently, since 2016, His Eminence Ganden Nyari Tritul Rinpoche (spirituality) – a disciple of the Dalai Lama.

  • España 🇪🇸
Mikel Garcia Garcia
Mikel Garcia Garcia


Degree in Medicine and Surgery and degree in Psychology. Master in “Astronomy and Astrophysics”. International Doctor in “International Studies in Peace, Conflicts and Development”. Master in Artistic Photography and Visual Narrative. Editor of the JTR (Journal Transpersonal Research). Analytical-integrative orientation psychotherapist. With experiential and theoretical training in: Psychoanalysis, Family Systemic Therapy (Dr. Fernando Carrasco from AVNTF), Reichian Psycho-corporal Therapy, Jungian Analytical Psychology, Transpersonal Psychotherapy. With training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Work Systems and Gestalt Therapy.

  • España 🇪🇸
Maite Pardo Sol
Maite Pardo Sol


Researcher of levels of consciousness since her youth. He is a specialist in Therapeutic Pedagogy, Psychomotricity and Psychopathology of Language, Postgraduate in Intercultural Social Mediation. Group Process Facilitator. Systemic Constellations. Professional member of ETPA and EUROTAS. She coordinated interreligious dialogue events and is a mentor of Dances of Universal Peace. It offers training in "Pneuma Dreamwork: Dreams to wake up" and "Essential Shamanism", specialization modules of Transpersonal Psychology and Pneuma Breathwork Training. In love with the ancestral traditions of the West and America, for 20 years she has shared her experience as a therapist and transpersonal trainer from the perspective of Pneuma Teachings.

  • España 🇪🇸
Miguel Morate Sandin
Miguel Morate Sandin


Psychologist from the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid. University Specialist in Clinic and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, in Clinic and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Children and their Family (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas) and in Group Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Diploma in Psychotherapy and Jungian Analytical Psychology. Member of the IEPPM, SIDPAJ and EUROTAS. He has been a psychotherapist in psychiatric institutions since 2006 and coordinator of therapeutic teams since 2012. In 2013 he joined the team of facilitators of Transpersonal Psychology and Pneuma Breathwork in Madrid to investigate Expanded States of Consciousness and its application to psychotherapy. He currently offers private Analysis and Pneuma Breathing sessions.

  • España 🇪🇸
Agustín de la Herrán
Agustín de la Herrán


Graduate in Philosophy and Education Sciences (Section: Education Sciences) (UCM), with Extraordinary Degree Award and First National Degree Award. Award to the Collegiate for the Best Academic Record (Illustrious Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Letters and Sciences (CDL), Master's Degree in School Psychology (UCM). Doctor of Philosophy and Education Sciences (UCM), with extraordinary Award Ph.D. Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Autonomous University of Madrid Seniority UAM: September, 1995. 2 six-year research (CNEAI).

  • España 🇪🇸
Jose Carlos Bouso
Jose Carlos Bouso


He has developed his scientific activity at the Autonomous University of Madrid, at the IIB-Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona and at the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research in Barcelona (IMIM). During this time, he developed studies on the therapeutic effects of MDMA (“ecstasy”) and psychopharmacological studies on the acute and long-term neuropsychiatric effects of many substances, both of synthetic and vegetable origin. As scientific director of ICEERS, José Carlos coordinates studies on the potential benefits of psychoactive plants, mainly cannabis, ayahuasca and ibogaine, with the aim of improving public health.

  • España 🇪🇸
Vicente Merlo
Vicente Merlo


Spanish professor, Indologist, specializing above all in yoga, Buddhism and Hinduism, particularly in the work of Sri Aurobindo, of whom he is the greatest scholar in the Spanish language. Doctor of Philosophy, professor of philosophy, yoga, meditation and religious sciences, he studied in Bombay, Pondicherry and Auroville; He has been a researcher at the Vivarium Center for Intercultural Studies directed by Raimon Panikkar. He has been a professor of Hinduism and Buddhism in the "Master of History of Religions" at the University of Barcelona.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Octavio García Pereiro
Octavio García Pereiro


Specialist Clinical Psychologist, psychoanalyst and integration psychotherapist. Private practice. Master in Analytical Group Psychotherapy. Psychotherapist member of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Psychotherapists (FEAP) and the European Federation of Associations of Psychologists (EFPA). Member of the Board of the Clinical, Health and Psychotherapy Section of the Col•legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya (2010-2018). Member and teacher of GRADIVA, Association of Psychoanalytic Studies. Dream teacher N.2 (The Robert Moss School of Active Dreaming.) Founding member of ATRE, Spanish Transpersonal Association (1993). Ex-teacher of Yoga and ex-teacher of Karate C. Negro 1st. Dan. Samatha Meditation and Vipassana Instructor trained with Dhiravamsa (Psycho-Spiritual Synthesis). Chi Kung and Tai Chi practitioner. Professor of Integrative Transpersonal Training at Cercle Transpersonal and Integrative Transpersonal Psychology Training at the Integrative Transpersonal Institute. Professor of Help Relationship Training. A dynamic, humanist and transpersonal model in Espiral Espai Conciencial (2007-2019).

  • España 🇪🇸
Gabriel Fernández Borsot
Gabriel Fernández Borsot


Transpersonal psychotherapist certified by the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS) and Gestalt therapist, adherent member of the AETG. Holds a doctorate from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, in the field of transformative and consciousness studies, as well as transpersonal theories. Also holds a degree in Philosophy and a degree in Industrial Engineering. Currently works as a teacher and program coordinator at Alef Trust. Additionally, he is a professor at the International University of Catalonia and has been a visiting professor in the Integral and Transpersonal Psychology program at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. His research focuses on transpersonal and consciousness theories, as well as the anthropological implications of technology. He is an expert in the transdisciplinary approach to alterity. He resides in Barcelona.

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Morelia Valencia Medina
Morelia Valencia Medina


PhD in Educational Sciences. Psychologist - Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention. University of Granada.

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  • España 🇪🇸
Gabriel Carmona Orantes
Gabriel Carmona Orantes


PhD in Pedagogy Advisor for human resources management in Social Economy companies. Department of Pedagogy. University of Granada

  • España 🇪🇸
Manuel Almendro
Manuel Almendro


Clinical psychologist and director of Oxígeme, a school and also an integration process for a psychology and psychotherapy of consciousness in Barcelona and Madrid, where he carries out individual and group psychotherapies, as well as a research and training program. He holds the European Certificate in Psychology and Psychotherapy (EuroPsy). He is a member of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA). He is the main introducer and pioneer of transpersonal psychology in Spain and the former founding president of the Spanish Transpersonal Association (ATRE). He is part of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies and the Journal of Transpersonal Research. He is the author of numerous articles and books in Spanish and English and gives lectures and workshops in Europe and South America.

  • España 🇪🇸
Juan Antonio de la Cruz Martín
Juan Antonio de la Cruz Martín


Counsellor and advisor from a transpersonal approach, self-discovery processes and personal development. Founder and director of EADA Self Discovery Transpersonal Initiatory School Project (Retreat Center) where psychotherapy and online activities are carried out. He studied and practiced in the traditions of psychology, philosophy, spirituality, shamanism, religion, esoteric and oracular traditions, for the unveiling of the quantum physics of the Mystery of Existence. He has training in Transpersonal Gestalt (Enneagram, Bioenergetics, Bioenergetic Analysis of character, Mythical Hero's Journey). He guides, supervises and advices individuals, couples, systems and teams in psychodrama, art therapy, coaching and regressive therapy. He has practiced buddhist psychology, meditation, dance and body work. He worked as a team director of different companies and projects. He has been 12 years in retreat.

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Isabel M. Martínez Higueras
Isabel M. Martínez Higueras


PhD in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Clinical psychologist. Researcher and teacher. Currently participating in various research groups on different phenomena of consciousness expansion. Member of the Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy Working Group of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid. Member of the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association.

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  • España 🇪🇸

México 🇲🇽

Irma Azomoza
Irma Azomoza


PhD in psychology from Newport University (California), Master Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, Master in Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy, business woman, and a degree in clinical psychology. She has been trained worldwide in NLP, Family Constellations, Coaching, Psychology Pre and Perinatal, Emo-tional Intelligence, Gestalt, Holotropic Breathing, Psycho spirituality, Multiple Intelligences, interpretation of dreams, Breath Transformation, Super Learning Hypnosis Clinic, Buddhist Psychology and others. International Communicator Award in 1994 by United Broadcasters of Chicago, and in 2011 by the Council of Hispanic communities. Winner of the Flag of USA for the Latino community in Las Vegas, for educational innova-tion. President of the Mexican Council of Transpersonal Psychology, backed by US ATP, board member of the ATI based in Spain and on the editorial board of the Journal of Transpersonal Research. She has funded six cre-ative masters programs where she shares her knowledge with students from all over Mexico.

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  • México 🇲🇽
Ana María González Garza
Ana María González Garza


PhD in Transpersonal-Human Development; Msc in Counseling and Human Development and BA in Educational Psychology (UIA) Ibero-American University Mexico City. Dean of the Department of Education and Human Development at UIA (1991-1999). In 1986, she introduced the transpersonal approach in the curriculum of the Msc and PhD programs. Professor Numerary at the UIA. Researcher and author of eight books and over a hundred articles and co-author in the publication of 10 books. Lecturer at academic events and national and international conferences. Currently engaged in research, teaching and educational consultant at universities in Mexico.

  • + (52) 1 55 55018357
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  • México 🇲🇽
Jocelyn Huerta
Jocelyn Huerta


Clinical Psychologist, monitor and author specialized in Gestalt Psychotherapy and Psychodiagnosis and Corporal Process. Masters in Transpersonal Development and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). Founder of the Mexican Association of Psychology and Transpersonal Development (AMPYDET). Certified by the Universidad Autónoma de Morelos, Mexico in Temazcal and Mexican Traditional Medicine. Co-author of the book “Horizonte Clínico, una perspectiva de las diferentes psicoterapias”.
For 11 years she has researched in depth the influence of gestation over personality and the acquisition of temperament through a retro-progressive protocol of in utero experience on transpersonal basis as an intervention model in psychotherapy. Ongoing certification on Grof Breathwork and private consultation.

  • +52 55 29376366
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  • México 🇲🇽
Héctor Sevilla
Héctor Sevilla


Doctor in Philosophy and Human Development Sciences; Member of the Mexican Philosophical Association (Asociación Filosófica de México) and Founding Member of the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association (Asociación Transpersonal Iberoamericana). He is part of the National Investigators’ System, which belongs to the National Commission of Science and Technology of Mexico. Distinguished among his works are the philosophical essays; Contemplating Nothingness: an alternate route towards the comprehension of the Being (2012) and Apología del Vacío: Hacia una resignificación de la ausencia (2014) as well as the novels; El Libro del Nadante. Un drama sobre la vida y la posibilidad de renacer (2014) and El Vacío de Dios. La encrucijada humana ante lo Absoluto (2014). He has published over thirty articles in referred journals, in which nihilism, mysticism, and metaphysics stand out as his central lines of investigation.

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  • México 🇲🇽
Nadia Rosas-Chávez
Nadia Rosas-Chávez


PhD in Social Sciences, Master in Social Sciences, Master in Gender Studies. licda. in Psychology, Collaborator in the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association, in the National Network of Researchers in the Socio-Cultural Study of Emotions (RENISCE), in the Research Network of and from the bodies, in the Ibero-American Network in Social Sciences with a Focus on Genus, RED-HILA. Her investigations are on Feminisms, Maternity, Corporalities, Emotions, Affective and Sexual Diversity, Gender, Madness, Non-normative Subjectivities. Therapist with a dialogical, gender and transpersonal collaborative approach, in the process of certification as a facilitator of Ayahuasca Microdose (Microhuasca).

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  • México 🇲🇽
Erick Uriel Rubio Espinosa
Erick Uriel Rubio Espinosa


Degree in Psychology and Master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology from the Anthropological University of Guadalajara (UNAG), Master's Degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy from the Western Region Gestalt Therapy Institute (INTEGRO) professional training in Mindfulness accredited by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA) ) and the Mexican Institute of Mindfulness, coordinator and director of the Transpersonal Institute of Mexico.

  • México 🇲🇽
Maria Islas
Maria Islas


Humanist clinical psychologist from the Claustro de Sor Juana University, studied psychoanalysis and existential psychotherapy. She is a transpersonal psychotherapist affiliated to EUROTAS, educator and somatic movement ttherapist (affiliated to ISMETA), Vijñana Yoga training, educator endorsed by AMECAP (SEP), Anawakas dance practitioner, temaskalli medicine and self-taught textile artist. She is co-creator of Instituto Macuil (2015) where she develops and facilitates specialized transpersonal training programs. National and international educator. In her therapeutic work she uses the holistic knowledge of the original Anawakas wisdom to offer experiences of re-education and psycho-eco-spiritual expression.

  • México 🇲🇽

Perú 🇵🇪

Federico Infante
Federico Infante


Transpersonal Psychologist and Doctor of Philosophy from the Humboldt University in Berlin, professor at the César Vallejo University and the Technological University of Peru; President of the Transpersonal Association of Peru and Academic Coordinator of Microhuasca. Trained in NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, EMDR and Quantum Bioengineering.

  • +51 999 112 054
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  • Perú 🇵🇪
Juan Ruiz Naupari
Juan Ruiz Naupari


Founder and International Director of the Pneuma Institute with international headquarters in Mount Shasta, California, US, and offices in the three Americas, Europe and India. Creator of "Pneuma Transpersonal Training", a new and more complete perspective of transpersonal psychology that is based on the comparative study of the wisdom of ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions and the expansion of consciousness with the practice of Pneuma Breathing. His research has its field of application in psychotherapy and especially in the psychological and spiritual progression of the Human Being. It currently offers online and face-to-face training in different countries, endorsed by the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) and the Gaden Shartse Tibetan Monastic University in India and in Romania by the College of Psychologists.

  • Perú 🇵🇪
Jaime Torres
Jaime Torres


Psychologist from the San Martín de Porres University, Lima, specialized in drug addiction and dependencies. Diploma in Management and Direction of Therapeutic Communities (Daytop International). Postgraduate in Drug Addiction from the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. He shares work between the executive management and patient care at the Takiwasi Center, articulating contemporary psychology and traditional Amazonian medicine.

  • Perú 🇵🇪
Jacques Mabit
Jacques Mabit


French Peruvian doctor specialized in the treatment of addictions through traditional Amazonian medicines. He is one of the main scientific authorities on the use of ayahuasca. He conducted research on the cultural, social and environmental factors required to develop an adequate health strategy in the Andean highlands. In 1992, he founded the Takiwasi Center for the investigation of traditional medicines and rehabilitation of drug addicts in the city of Tarapoto. It carries out intervention treatments in addictions and psycho-emotional problems combining traditional Amazonian knowledge, western medicine and psychotherapy, under the non-conventional Therapeutic Community scheme, with recognition from the Ministry of Health.

  • Perú 🇵🇪

Portugal 🇵🇹

Vitor Rodrigues
Vitor Rodrigues


PhD in Psychology, transpersonal psychotherapist and writer (12 books published) working with regression therapy, hypnosis, meditation, psychic defense, stress management among other approaches. He was the president of EUROTAS, 2005-2009 and Alubrat, 2003-2009 and is the vice-president of ETPA. He was the coordinator of the EUROTAS Committee for Certification and Accreditation (in Transpersonal Psychotherapy) from around 2000 to 2013. He is a frequent lecturer and trainer in several countries across Europe.

  • +351-963-09-57-67
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  • Portugal 🇵🇹
Mário Resende
Mário Resende


Member of the Order of Psychologists, graduate in Philosophy and Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, transpersonal psychotherapist, certified regression therapist, and therapist trainer with 17 years of experience. Postgraduate in TRVC and Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis from the Advanced Training Institute of the Lisbon Faculty of Medicine. Training in Biodynamics, Analysis through Waking Dreams and Active Meditations. President of the Portuguese Federation of Psychotherapy (FEPPSI) since 2019.

  • Portugal 🇵🇹
Mario Simoes
Mario Simoes


Professor of Psychiatry and of Consciousness Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon, Portugal. Director of the Post-Graduation Course in Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis and of the Laboratory for Mind-Matter Interaction with Therapeutic Intention (LIMMIT), Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon. Psychology and psycho physiology of altered states of consciousness, ethnomedicine, human exceptional experiences and psychology and spirituality.

  • Portugal 🇵🇹

Uruguay 🇺🇾

Karina Bertolotto
Karina Bertolotto


Master in Humanist Psychotherapy at the Erich Fromm Institute, Integrative Body Therapy at the Espai de Gestalt. Since 2005 I have been a professor at the University of Barcelona and an academic consultant in the Psychotherapy area of the Music Therapy Master together with Nuria Escudé. Trained in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Integrative Psychology program since 2007.

  • Uruguay 🇺🇾

Venezuela 🇻🇪

Elías Capriles
Elías Capriles


He is a retired teacher of philosophy, Buddhism, Asian art, and other subjects at the University of The Andes in Merida, Venezuela. Currently, he is an instructor in the Santi Maha Sangha Buddhist and Dzogchen Comunity. He ran spiritual emergency refuges in India and Nepal and spent most of his time retreating into caves and cabins in the Himalayas practicing Dzogchen. He is the author of nineteen books, more than forty academic articles, and twelve book chapters which have been published in nine countries and four languages. His work has been discussed in books on Latin American philosophy in France, Spain, Venezuela, and in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. He is a board member of the International Transpersonal Association and editorial board member of several academic journals.

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  • Venezuela 🇻🇪
Marisol Ramirez Vargas
Marisol Ramirez Vargas


Psychologist born and raised in Venezuela, she graduated from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). She is specialist in Health Policy Planning at the Center for Development Studies (CENDES - UCV). She has worked in the field of Organizational Development and Management as Advisor and Consultant. She is a private practice psychotherapist in transpersonal, integral and systemic psychotherapy. She also offers workshops on Leadership, Human Capital and Organizational Culture and is the project manager for Psychologists without Borders Venezuela, as coordinator and teacher of the Training Program in Psychosocial Care in Crisis "Accompanying in Pain" – Cesap Social Group, in partnership with Universidad Católica Andres Bello (UCAB).

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  • Venezuela 🇻🇪